Former Indian captain Virat Kohli has shared his picture on his social media handles, In which he looks severe and focused. In the photo posted by 33-year-old Kohli, looking at himself with a straight face pose in the mirror. Along with posting the photo, there is Virat Kohli’s inspirational message in the post. He wrote in the caption- “It’s always you versus you.“
The former Indian captain has been having a tough time on and off the field for some time now. His term as T20 International captain did not end well. India failed to reach the knockout rounds of the T20 World Cup 2021. Kohli got sacked as ODI captain before going on to tour South Africa. Then Virat Kohli resigned from the Test captaincy after the 1-2 defeat in the Test series at the hands of South Africa.
Meanwhile, a dispute with the BCCI also came to the fore of Virat Kohli. Before going to South Africa, Kohli had said in the press conference that he was not asked but told about his removal from the ODI captaincy. This dispute went on for a long time.
Virat Kohli did well in the ODI series against South Africa and scored two half-centuries in three matches. However, the Indian team could not win a single match and took a clean sweep 0-3.
Virat Kohli was a great captain
Former Australia captain Ian Chappell praised Kohli as a captain and said he took the Indian team to new heights.
Chappell said in his column for ESPNcricinfo, “There is no doubt that Kohli is a great captain. He did not curb his enthusiasm but still managed to take the Indian team to a higher level. Kohli benefitted from having a capable assistant in Ajinkya Rahane as India went on to win Tests abroad. Kohli achieved such success as a captain, which no other captain will ever be able to repeat.
According to Chappell, the considerable achievement of the former India captain was the respect he instilled in the team for Test cricket. Apart from all the successes, his main goal was to get successful in the Tests. Here his passion was visible. Virat captained the Indian team in 68 Tests and won 40 of them.
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